Requesting feedback from anyone interested in providing some in regards to the next Pirate Cycling League event.
As a reminder, the Pirate Cycling League is race promotion group focusing on fun, free, and friendly bicycling events. The PCL is run by no one and everyone. Anyone can organize a PCL event. The founding fathers will remain anonymous. I have taken the reigns to create a blog. If you would like to become a contributor, please send me an email and I'll send you an invite.
Previous PCL events have included: Denton-Wilbur-Denton, Lincoln-Elmwood-Lincoln, and another one that I don't recall at the moment. These have all been gravel events, but PCL events are not restricted to gravel. Dirt, tarmac, crushed limestone are also options.
Some folks have already offered suggestions. This is what have been suggested thus far:
-next event should be on Sunday
-give time bonuses for collecting empty aluminum cans (larger bonuses for certain brands, ie Guiness)
-Skid contest
-no one left behind
-pot luck gathering after the event
-start and finish at same location with food/beer
No dates have been determined. Look at your calenders and offer up suggestions. The crazier the better. Remember, it's all about having fun on a bike.