Friday, January 29, 2010

Gravel Worlds update

The postcards are steadily coming in and the list of participants will be posted soon. As a reminder, if you wanna be part of the adventure, send a postcard with your name, hometown, age, category, and email address to:

Pirate Cycling League
1510 D Street
Lincoln, NE 68502

The PCL will be accepting postcards through the month of February.

Disclaimer regarding the Gravel Worlds/GLGA:

The folks at the PCL would like to remind everyone that this adventure is just a bike ride. There is no entry fee or prize money. Racing licenses are not required. Folks who complete the entire route first in each respective category (Open Men, Open Women, SS Men, SS Women, Masters Men, Masters Women, and Tandem) will be crowned the Officially unofficial, tongue in cheek, "we're callin' it the Worlds because it hasn't been done yet" Gravel World Champion.

This ride is 100% self-supported. That means you are responsible for you. Once you leave the start/finish area, you are completely responsible for yourself. No one from the PCL will come bail you out if you have problems. You are responsible for a bail out option if you need one. Please be aware of this prior to participating. Also, please be aware we will be riding on rural gravel roads that will have occasional automobile traffic. This is not a closed course. So you must obey all rules of the road including signaling when turning, stopping at stop lights and stop signs, and staying to the right on the road. Please don't do anything stupid to get yourself hurt and/or killed. That would be a major bummer.

Finally, please remember this event is all about having fun on a bicycle with like minded individuals. If you see someone in need of assistance, please stop and offer a helping hand. Also, be courteous to everyone you encounter on the ride including dogs who are chasing you. So basically, don't be a dick.


  1. i'm purdy sure we'll have prizes for top finnishers in each catagory.

    probably things like, a jar of gravel, some rocks, maybe some corn, hell maybe the cheet will make us dog tags or something...

  2. I like jars of gravel.

  3. and where do you southern upstarts get off
