Here's the low down on the PCL kits. Anyone can place an order. The deadline for ordering is April 29, 2011. After the deadline the kits will be made by Voler and shipped around the end of June 2011. Your order will be shipped from Voler to PCL headquarters in Lincoln, NE where they can be picked up or shipped to the owners.
Please be aware we are not responsible for exchanging items that don't fit. Read the size guide on the Voler website for details.
To order:
1. Go to the Voler PCL order page here.
2. Create an account
3. Select items and place order
4. Wait for items to be shipped at the end of June
The prices below are contingent on us meeting the minimums. We set a 50 piece minimum for the short sleeve jerseys and bottoms and a 15 piece minimum for the long sleeve stuff. Please note that there are nicer bottoms for a little bit more money.
$62.00 for s/s Jersey
$87.00 for l/s Jersey
$61.00 for shorts
$65.00 for bibs
Other items:
You can also order wind jackets, knickers, skinsuits, thermal jackets, or vests. Also male OR female Pirates cut items are available as well as Race cut OR Club cut.
Coming soon:
PCL tech caps
PCL tech caps
Damn.... Gotta save up some coin.