Friday, April 15, 2011

Tour of Dirt Roads IV has been POSTPONED!!!

Due to the copius volume of precipitation Lancaster county has received in the past 24 hours, the PCL Executive Committee has decided to postpone the Tour of Dirt Roads IV. It's really hard to sail in the mud! The new date is Saturday April 30, 2011. More details to follow later.

On another note, please order a PCL kit! We haven't hit our minimums yet!

Also, as a reminder, registration for Gravel Worlds is still open. Send in a postcard to register. It's that easy. See post below for specifics. Aaarrgh!


  1. I figured it at just short of 85 miles.

  2. I'm thinking of single-ing this one; is 42x18 gonna cut it? Is this as hilly as G.W.?
