With the cancellation of the 24 Hours of Landahl, the date has been finalized for The Good Life Gravel Adventure.
The route is still being determined, but will consist of roughly 150 miles of rolling gravel, minimum maintenance/dirt roads, a dash of crushed limestone, and minimal tarmac surrounding the great city of Lincoln. More details to follow soon....

I like what your saying. How do I sign up for your newsletter?
i just penciled together a route last night. 167 according to my software. we need to meet and compare notes.
Ran across your blog somehow. A few of us from KC will be coming up for this adventure if that's alright.
I have a route in my neck of the woods that is 150. Would've talked to you during the ride saturday but I was trying to catch my breath. Let me know if you need help.
Matt, let's get together sometime soon to chat about the route. I'm sure you've got a great one lined up.
Joe, you and anyone else from down south are more than welcome to come up for the ride. We'd be happy to have ya along, but don't expect it to be like the Dirty Kanza. We're not that organized. :) It'll be self supported with no one at the checkpoints, but the checkpoints will be convenience stores with plenty of supplies. Purchasing lottery tickets will serve as proof of reaching a checkpoint. The tickets will have location, date and time. All the lottery tickets will be signed by the riders and turned in at the finish. Hopefully someone will hit it big and we'll all be to retire and ride bikes more often. Oh, there will be cue cards for the route too. More details to come.
Jim, do you have a Bikely account? It's a website you can map out routes and share with folks. Check it out. www.bikely.com I'll take a look at Matt's route and get back to ya. Good riding with ya on Saturday!
YES! Gonna' be sweet, my brothers and sisters. I can't wait.
Tinkle tinkle
That's me being there with bells on or I just pi$$ed on my shoes.
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