Start/Finish Location:
The start/finish is located at the Lancaster Event Center in Lincoln, Nebraska which is located at 4100 N. 84th Street. We will be staging at the Northeast dirt parking lot. There is plenty of parking available at the event center. Please be sure to review info on how to get there prior to August 21st.
The route and rules:
The course has been finalized! Troy has been working hard to get it dialed. Be sure to check out his teaser pics below. The course will consist of 150 miles of gravel and dirt roads with plenty of rollers. This will be a challenging course!
Small town convenience stores will serve as checkpoints and aid stations. Riders will be required to purchase a Nebraska Powerball Lottery ticket at each small town convenience store as proof of reaching the checkpoint. Nebraska Powerball Lottery tickets cost $1 and there are four checkpoints. The lottery tickets will be turned in at the finish of the event and verified. Riders will follow a set of cue cards to navigate the course.
The course will be released soon! You can make your own cue cards or use our cue sheets that will be provided at the start (most likely 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper in a tri-fold fashion).
This is a self supported event. You are absolutely responsible for you! Come prepared and please have a bail out option! Again, this is a self supported event in which YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOU!
Registration Info:
You can still register! If you would like to participate, please send a postcard with your name, age, hometown, category (see list below), email address, and cell phone number to:
Pirate Cycling League
1510 D Street
Lincoln, NE 68502
- Open men
- Open women
- Masters men (50 years of age+)
- Masters women (50 years of age+)
- Single speed men (includes fixed geared bicycles)
- Single speed women (includes fixed geared bicycles)
- Tandem
- Unicycle (seriously - will be a shortened version)
Note on being cool:
Please remember this event is all about having fun on a bicycle with like minded individuals. If you see someone in need of assistance, please stop and offer a helping hand. Also, be courteous to everyone you encounter on the ride including dogs who are chasing you. So basically, don't be a dick.
This ain't that kinda race. Sorry.
There will be two oasis locations strategically placed along the route to offer additional assistance to riders. There will be plenty of food and beverages at the oasis locations. These are optional stops. More info to come soon.
Post race fun?:
That's still up in the air. Since the route is very challenging, folks will be finishing later in the day. More info to come soon.
Additional info:
As always, we reserve the right to change any and everything whenever we see fit. We're pirates after all.
Questions, comments, concerns? Post here or send me an email.
a) those jerseys are 'hella pro'
b) isn't the entire idea behind this race to have an after part? pirates are the og (as in 'back in the day') hipsters/punks/miscreants/transients, huzzah after party.
c) bacon ride recovery ride? :)
Looking forward to it!
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