Well folks, it's almost here! We're kicking off the Inaugural Gravel Worlds this Saturday at 6 AM. Are you ready? Well, if not it's too damn late! Aarrrgh!
Want in? Need out?
If you want in and didn't send in a postcard be sure to show up the morning of the event by 5:15 AM. We'll let ya participate cuz we're nice Midwestern pirates. If you sent a postcard in and don't plan on attending, please shot me an email and let me know asap.
Starting Location Reminder
The start/finish and parking area is located off of Havelock Avenue just east of the Lancaster Event Center. There's a dirt road off the pavement prior to the road turning to gravel. We've got permission to use this area for our event. Please use caution while parking as there are numerous metal stakes littering the lot. You've been warned!
I'll be at the start/finish area early on Saturday morning getting things set up. Look for the lights and event tent!
Waiver and rider check-in
Riders are required to complete a waiver and check-in by penning their initials on the rider list prior to the start. Please note that you will also be marked with a race number on the back of your calf with a Sharpie marker. If you got a problem with that we could brand you instead. Your choice! Also, ridiculously hairy legged folks that cannot be marked (cough...Malcolm, cough) will be marked on their forehead.
You can also sign the waiver at the optional Friday afternoon check-in at the downtown Oso Burrito from 3 to 6 PM.
PCL Merchandise
PCL posters, T-shirts and stickers will be available the morning of the event at the start/finish location (and maybe the Friday afternoon check-in). Bring some cash cuz we don't take checks or plastic. Price of the T-shirts and posters has yet to be determined. That's up to Schmidty.
The weather forecast has been in a constant state of flux over the week, but as of right now it's looking like it'll be a warm one. The temps are forecast for the low 90's. Be sure to put some sunblock on and drink plenty of fluids. Also hit up those Gravel Worlds Oasis locations if you need a break in the shade!
Gravel Worlds Oasis
There are two Oasis locations. There will be signs indicating the location of both oasis locations.
The first Oasis is around ten miles after the Malcolm checkpoint at about mile 75. You hafta deviate from the route for a couple hundred yards to reach this Oasis. There will be Coca Cola, Gatorade, water, some snacks (veggies!), and some really cool people. The second Oasis is located about ten miles from the finish on 176th. There will be snacks (homemade cookies!), beverages, cool cats and Limited Edition Gravel Worlds bottle openers (thanks again Scott)! Thanks to our good buddy Chad and our friends at Budweiser there will also be some Beach Bum Blonde Ale to enjoy at the second Oasis. Hey, you can use your new bottle opener! FYI, if you want a bottle opener you better be one of the first 35 riders to reach the second oasis cuz that's all we got! Aarrrgh!
Chad has also graciously scored some Monster Energy drinks for the start and finish. Pregnant, nursing or folks with heart conditions should limit to two per day. The PCL are not responsible for heart palpitations, the jitters or polyuria.
Post Race Par-tay!?!
I'm expecting folks to be finishing from anywhere around 3 PM to midnight. So this makes having an post race party kinda difficult. So I recommend we set a tentative gathering at Yia Yia's in downtown Lincoln (right next to Oso Burrito) at 9 PM on Saturday night. If you finish before 9 PM and wanna strut around in your new Gravel World Champion jersey, come on down to Yia Yia's. There will be other PCL members there to share some stories with. I plan on sticking around at the finish line until everyone is finished. Then I'll head down to Yia Yia's for a beer.
Shot me an email. See you landlubbers soon! Aarrrgh!
ha, that pic of me looks like i am yelling: Aarrrgh!
a) Midwestern pirates I'm pretty sure is a contradiction....
b) I NEED TO KNOW: will there by beer at the first oasis (inquiring minds need to know), this will make or break my chances of podium...
c) what happens if I refuse the leg shaving, AND the face numbering?
cc)/addendum: Emily said she'd shave her cabeza if I did las piernas, what happens if she doesn't?
PSS I'm not fast enough for shaved legs.
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